Hello, I will tell you about Ultradrol which is made by Antaeus labs. It's very strong prohormone.
Ultradrol, is relatively easy on your body and you can run it for longer periods before starting PCT. There is one more advantage ultradrol does not carry estrogenic side effects. But still it is required to run liver products along with your ultradrol cycle and cycle assist is recommended as well.
It is ok to use your multis, fish oil caps, joint support and other supplements while on cycle, except maybe for pre-workout which could increase your blood pressure. It is suggested to load liver care products and other assist supplements before you start the cycle, recommended time would be 2 weeks before the first dose.

Ultradrol which is also 2,17α-dimethyl-5α-androsta-1-en-17β-ol-3-one is right now the most potent designer steroid/prohormone available legally on the market.

Usually people enjoy taking 12mg per day at the beginning of the cycle, after the while when you have evaluated your tolerance and side-effects you can bump it up to 16, 20 or more mg.

Anyone would agree, that SERM is advised in your PCT stack. Tamoxifen and Clomid ar the most common SERMs, but don't forget about other supplements as well, including, testosterone boosters, AI, creatine, multi vitamins, fish oil etc. Using these you should recover quickly.

Ultradrol can be taken as the first prohoromone but it is alright to try others first, like Halo, Epi and so on. That way you will see how your body reacts to these compounds and whether you will be alright taking stronger prohormones like ultradrol.
I hope that you will find this information as useful. Comment if you are unsure about something. 

4/4/2013 07:22:56 pm

Yeah your article on best prohormone is really very helpful. Now it is used by every body builder for gaining proper body strength in good way. If one looking to buy best prohormone online than here is compete information. Thanks!!

7/2/2013 10:55:41 pm

I need to know about this prohormone little more and elaborately. Can you please explain me.

8/18/2013 11:28:08 pm

In the name of corporate profits you are being dosed with ESTROGEN 24/7. It is dizzying to pull back the curtain and start to see what’s really going on. A few examples: pesticides contain estrogenic substances, plastics leach xenoestrogens into your foods, hormone-treated animals further inject you with E through their milk and meats, and you cover your body with hormone-disrupting substances every day of your life. - See more at: http://www.slackermuscle.com/1/post/2013/01/best-muscle-building-supplements-my-low-t-rant.html#sthash.yEApMulD.dpuf


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